Online Data Security & Location

Online Data Security & Location

Data Security & LocationIt is in our human nature to be suspicious of anyone who’s taking care of our private property, especially when this comes to our own business data but even more so when storing our clients details online.

With all the headlines about major websites being hacked and stored data being compromised, it’s no wonder some people would be concerned for the security of their data when considering implementing an online system be it an eCommerce website or a Customer Relationship Management System (CRM).

The security of data is a very important business, especially the security of online data. Managing an online system full of sensitive and private information requires a robust and trusted hosting service which is why we work with our trusted partner Rackspace, because they are the global leader in hybrid hosting services.

When considering your prospective hosting providers, it is vital that you understand the measures we and they undertake to keep your data safe and what is done in the event of an attack.

The five main points to consider when choosing your hosting partners are:

> Security

> Usability

> Up-time

> Availability

> Location

If the web based systems you are considering are not secure, easy to use, intuitive, always available on any device and you know exactly where your data is actually located, then they are not worth your investment.

Online data storage provides security, scalability, backup and recovery in real time which is far easier to manage and maintain than keeping it in house.

Of course there will always be concerns with storing your data online but if you thoroughly research the hosting providers that fit best with your business development needs and those who provide the most robust security service, then employing a hosted system will be the step you can take towards developing your business further.

Click the link to find out more about our hosting partner Rackspace or get in touch today to discuss how we can help you store your data securely online and help you develop your business further.
