
It goes without saying that every business in existence wants to be able to work more efficiently and increase sales, but how do you do that without investing a lot of time and money? The best way to achieve these two vitals within business is to...

Repeatedly having to type in your payment details can become a chore for most people, so using a quick buy option is an ideal way to help your consumers pay for their purchase quickly and with little effort. QuickBuy® is a purchasing software plug-in for ecommerce...

Searching for cost-effective telecom services for your business can sometimes be difficult. Deciding on the correct services that will not only suit your business needs but also fit into your allocated budget are two vital components when choosing your telecom services. Sure Communication offers a broad...

Thursday 19, July 2012 Please follow this link to view the full version of our Newsletter. With the Olympics about to start and rumours that summer may arrive, things are looking up. Our online systems be it eCommerce or Telecom are allowing alternative working arrangements which some of our customers...

The future of the internet is definitely mobile as more and more people access information via their smartphones and tablets. If you are currently planning to create a mobile presence for your company then there are a couple of factors that you may want to...

Google launched the subsequent model of its Chromebook mobile computer on Tuesday, boosting processor speed and doubling memory capacity in an upgrade that ultimately makes the browser-centric tote appear to be a completed product. This has been manufactured by Samsung and Google, read more...

Please follow this link to view the full version of our Newsletter. THURSDAY 17, MAY 2012 There has been a lot of confusion about the EU Cookie ruling becoming law on 26th of May 2012. Basically there are two options for website owners; 1) Stick your head in the sand and...

Engineers coming from Amazon and Microsoft have announced a new personalised news streaming service to challenge Facebook's 'news feed' service. Named Wavii, the new service is available via the web or a smartphone app. Working as an automated, algorithm-driven news aggregator, it searches the internet, including...